We can help you examine where your business and network infrastructure are today, where t
hey need
to be, and how to get there. Our testing and optimization services i
nclude a comprehensive suite of
software testing options spanning consulting, enterprise services and functio
nality testing. Whether
resources are onsite, offshore or both, our domain-knowledgeable career testers deliver th
e services
you need from any point in our global delivery network.
Our expertise in both the business and technical aspects of testing has enab
les us to create innovative
approaches that deliver accelerated results. We use an established testing methodolog
y and employ a
wide range of industry-standard tools that leverage established methodologies t
o provide your
organization with superior software quality, enhanced business readiness and real comp
Our testing/optimization strategy
Test Assessment and Plan
To evaluate how well your existing network and support infrastructure meet
s your current and future
business needs, we provide network assessment services for local and wide-area network archi
security, equipment configuration and connectivity. As required or requested,
assessments include
monitoring and testing of LAN and WAN links to identify bottlenec
ks and weak links that impact network
performance, reliability and availability using our remote network monito
ring and testing services. We
Provide a detailed test plan with recommendations that take into considerati
on requirements which
include, among others:
- - Customer design requirements, priorities, and goals.
- - Analysis of the effects of new requirements on an existing network.
- - Protocol selection and configuration.
- - Feature selection and configuration.
- - Security considerations.
Test setup and execution
We provide lab test execution of an agreed-upon and documented plan, which can include, among
other services:
- - Review of customer design requirements, priorities, and goals.
- - Analysis of the effects of new requirements on existing network and IT equipment.
- - Setup of lab infrastructure, configuration, integration, and aggregation points for the testing and validation deployment, including protocols, security, and network management software (NMS) considerations.
- - execution of tests based on the test plan described above.
Test results report
We provide a test result report, which can include:
- - Review of new software feature releases for that specific operations area.
- - Overall software/hardware/configuration recommendations to proceed with testing and featureset upgrade deployment or to wait for a future maintenance release.
- - Contingency plan for transitioning to a change in customer networking environment.
Final consultation delivery
We provide conference call consultation to report the results of the executed tests. This typically includes, among other elements:
- - Collection of primary performance data.
- - Identification of exception reports.
- - Showstopper issues and workarounds.